Image and Data Acquisition Core
The Image and Data Acquisition Core
The Image and Data Acquisition Core (IDAC) – formerly known as the Optical Imaging Core (OIC) – at the University of Idaho is a fee-for-service facility managed by the Institute for Modeling, Collaboration and Innovation (IMCI) and available for on-campus and off-campus researchers. The IDAC is dedicated to creating opportunities for high-resolution imaging and high-throughput characterization of biological processes. The IDAC consolidates two confocal microscopes, an analytical flow cytometer and analysis software programs into one shared resource facility available for all UI research. An experienced microscopist, Dr. Onesmo Balemba, IDAC Director, provides expertise in experimental design, image capture, cytometric acquisition and data analysis. IDAC Manager, Raquel Simao Gurge, is responsible for running the IDAC facility, working directly with IDAC users and managing facility equipment. With this infrastructure and staffing, the IDAC is able to support a diverse range of research projects.

Core Facility Infrastructure
The Image and Data Acquisition Core has instruments for imaging biological samples such as individual cells, biofilms, tissue samples and small organisms in live and fixed conditions. There are 4 microscopes available which provide stereoscopic, confocal and multiphoton imaging. Two flow cytometers are available for high-throughput counting and characterization of disassociated cell populations, one is a new Spectral Cell Sorter with 5 lasers and 55 detectors, high-speed multi-way sorting and high efficiency. This Cell Sorter configuration allows the creation of diverse and complex panels in addition to having a security cabin that allows the separated cells to return to culture. Also, the IDAC is equipped with two instruments, the Phenobooth+ and Rotor, that together can optimize colony counting and colony replication. Separate computer stations are available for data analysis. A small refrigerator, biosafety hood, fume hood and small incubator are also located in the laboratory.