25 CMCI Supported Publications to Date
Since our inception in 2015, CMCI has seen an increase each year in the number of articles published.
To view a full list of titles published with links to the full articles, click here.
Since our inception in 2015, CMCI has seen an increase each year in the number of articles published.
To view a full list of titles published with links to the full articles, click here.
This article was written by Leigh Cooper in University of Idaho Communications and Marketing. View the original article here. While IMCI was not involved in the funding of this research project, we are are thrilled to count Dr. Ryan Long as one of our participating faculty. MOSCOW, Idaho – October 17, 2019 – A University…
Congratulations to Jagdish Patel and Marty Ytreberg! Their article, “Expanding the watch list for potential Ebola virus antibody escape mutations” was recently selected to be featured on the PLOS Ebola Channel. The PLOS Ebola Channel was launched in response to the ongoing Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They work with authors and…
Congratulations! Bert Baumgaertner, Florian Justwan and Juliet Carlisle, who are part of The Social Determinants of Infectious Disease Dynamics working group, had their research published in the Public Library of Science One (PLOS ONE) yesterday. Their paper is titled “The Influence of Political Ideology and Trust on Willingness to Vaccinate.” Read the University of Idaho press release…
Congratulations to IMCI participants on their recent publication in PLOS Medicine. The following news story was produced by the Mountain West News Bureau. View the original article here. A newly published study out of the University of Idaho suggests that the higher perceived risk of a disease, the more likely someone is to vaccinate. The researchers surveyed…
College of Science faculty Jessica Lee, Siavash Riazi, Shahla Nemati, Jannell Bazurto, Andreas Vasdekis, Benjamin Ridenhour, Christopher Remien and Christopher Marx had a paper published in PLOS Genetics. In their research, they uncovered that genetically identical cells can be phenomenally different in their ability to survive stress, and thus selection acts upon the distributions of…
Where does a cell put it’s resources? CMCI participant and Department of Physics faculty member Andreas Vasdekis, and his research colleagues Hamdah Alanazi, Amrah Canul and Christopher Williams published a study in the journal Nature Communications. They introduce a new imaging technique to record how a single cell allocates its resources between the production of…