Brown Bag Lunch will feature Dr. Michael O’Rourke

The IMCI Brown Bag Lunch Series returns for Spring Semester 2025.When: Mondays from 12:30pm – 1:30pmWhere: IRIC 352
Nearly two dozen people gathered in the Collaboratorium for an unusual Brown Bag Lunch on Monday to learn a little about virus structure and to make their own beaded virus. Our beginning work looked nothing like Holly’s expert designs but we had fun trying!
Nearly 60 scientists from across campus came together to brainstorm possible interdisciplinary research topics on January 30 and February 6. We were excited by the lively discussion and thrilled that 12 different small groups formed. If you are interested in joining any of the following research groups, email or contact the group lead. You…
Event: CMCI Brown Bag Lunch Date: Monday, November 12 Time: 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Place: Collaboratorium, IRIC 352 Talk: “Performance of a bacterial cell as an energy conversion device in terms of energy-return-on-investment determined from atomic-detail structural models,” presented by Melih Sener, Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group, Beckman Institute, UIUC, Abstract: Bioenergetic…
Due to extreme weather conditions and canceled travel, our scheduled speaker for today’s Brown Bag Lunch, Bryan Cwik, will NOT be here. Instead, today’s BBL will be an OPEN DISCUSSION. We will work with Dr. Cwik to reschedule his talk.
Dr. Bryan Cwik, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and University Studies at Portland State University, will be speaking at CMCI’s Brown Bag Lunch on Monday, February 11, 12:30 p.m., in the Collaboratorium. Title: Moving Beyond ‘Therapy’ and ‘Enhancement’ in the Ethics of Gene Editing Abstract: Since the advent of recombinant DNA technology, expectations (and trepidations) about…