IRIC building in winter

Animals’ Susceptibility to Coronavirus Subject of U of I Research

The following article highlights research funded through IMCI. The original news release was written by Ralph Bartholdt in University of Idaho Communications and Marketing. MOSCOW, Idaho — Sept. 17, 2020 — Whether coronavirus can use farm animals or North American bats as intermediate hosts to spread the novel pathogen SARS-CoV2 is being explored by three University…

University of Idaho Works to Develop Cure for COVID-19

University of Idaho Works to Develop Cure for COVID-19

This press release was written by Leigh Cooper in University of Idaho Communications and Marketing. View the original press release here. See the article published in the Idaho Press here. Dr. Marty Ytreberg is the Associate Director of IMCI. MOSCOW, Idaho — April 20, 2020 —The University of Idaho is working to identify a cure for coronaviruses,…

IRIC building in winter

McMaster Project

Project PI: Jagdish Patel This research project is to identify the correct bound conformations of veranamine in signma-1 and 5HT2B receptors. Crystal coordinates of sigma-1 and 5HT2B receptors will be downloaded from the Protein Data Bank. Both of the receptor structures will then be used to perform ordinary molecular dynamics to sample various conformations available….

Using Biophysical Protien Models to Map Genetic Variation to Phenotypes

Using Biophysical Protien Models to Map Genetic Variation to Phenotypes

Project Team: Marty Ytreberg (PI), Craig Miller, Brandon Ogbunugafor (University of Vermont), Daniel Weinreich (Brown University) Understanding how genotypes map to organismal phenotypes is one of the great unsolved problems in modern biology. This research is built on the principle that the biophysical properties of proteins represent general, computationally-predictable intermediaries for mapping genotypes to phenotypes. The…

Comparison of Two Phasitron Designs for IPV

Comparison of Two Phasitron Designs for IPV

Project Team: Tao Xing (PI), Gordon Murdoch (co-PI) and Rabijit Dutta (co-PI) With support from Percussionaire Corp based in Sagle, Idaho, the team will test the new Phasitron design. They will compare the pressure and tidal volumes and the net flow entertainment under various lung conditions. They will also explore computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations…

Collaborative Research: A Mathematical Theory of Transmissible Vaccines

Collaborative Research: A Mathematical Theory of Transmissible Vaccines

Project Team: Scott Nuismer (PI), Chris Remien (Co-PI), James Bull (Co-PI), Andrew Basinski Viral vaccines have had remarkable and long-lasting impacts on human health, resulting in the worldwide eradication of smallpox, the elimination of polio within much of the developed world, and the effective control of many other diseases. Although great strides have been made…

NIH R00 Project: Causal Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks With Application to Breast Cancer

NIH R00 Project: Causal Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks With Application to Breast Cancer

Project Team: Audrey Fu (PI), Bhadur Badsha, Evan Martin In the investigation of the mechanisms behind gene regulation and its impact on diseases, two lines of research have been largely separately carried out in recent years. On the one hand, gene regulatory networks and protein interaction networks have been under extensive study, especially in systems…