Tanya Miura Awarded Modeling Access Grant

Tanya Miura Awarded Modeling Access Grant

Title: Synergistic mutations allow for antibody resistance in respiratory syncytial virus Project Team: Tanya Miura, Jonathan Barnes Start Date: June 2022 This project was initially funded by the NSF EPSCoR Track II Geno-Pheno Grant to use molecular modeling to predict antibody escape variants of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). In that work, we identified five novel…

Daniel Fitzsimons Awarded Modeling Access Grant

Daniel Fitzsimons Awarded Modeling Access Grant

Title: Myofilament Cooperative Activation in Human and Porcine Myocardium Project Team: Daniel Fitzsimons, Tuan Phan Start Date: September 2021 Contraction and relaxation of the mammalian heart is a cooperative process involving the binding of Ca2+ and myosin cross-bridges to the thin filament. While the cooperative effects of Ca2+ and myosin cross-bridge binding to the thin…

Helen Brown Awarded Modeling Access Grant

Helen Brown Awarded Modeling Access Grant

Title: Optimizing spatiotemporal modeling for public health risk analysis Project Team: Helen Brown, Christopher Murphy, Chris Williams, Erich Seamon, Mohamed Megheib Start Date: September 2021 This is a continuation of small area estimate (SAE) modeling of Idaho Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) health indicators. In 2019 the Pl sought MAG support to model obesity…

IRIC building in winter

New Fish Rack System Helps Advance U of I’s Biomedical Research

This article was published by the Office of Research and Economic Development in the October 2019 Scholars and Researchers newsletter. IMCI supports Zebrafish research through modeling via the Evolution of Tandemly-Replicated Opsin Genes: Molecular Models That Predict Spectral Shifts (which led to an article featured on the cover of Science magazine) and Bioinformatic Analysis of…

Shirley Luckhart awarded Modeling Access Grant

Shirley Luckhart awarded Modeling Access Grant

Title: DNA and protein modeling for P/asmodium falciparum dhfr and dhps sequences derived from an existing study in Kenya Project Team: Shirley Luckhart, Dharmesh Patel, JT Van Leuven Start Date: June, 2019 The UI, USUHS, and USAMRU-K teams have collected human blood samples from study-enrolled Kenyan adults for an NIH-funded project focused on defining the…

The Rapid Evolution of Primate Haptoglobin and the Molecular Modeling of its Interaction with the Trypanosome Hemoglobin-Haptoglobin Receptor

The Rapid Evolution of Primate Haptoglobin and the Molecular Modeling of its Interaction with the Trypanosome Hemoglobin-Haptoglobin Receptor

Project Team: Paul Rowley, Jagdish Patel, Dharmesh Patel Start Date: May 2019 Molecular dynamics simulations will help Principal Investigators Rowley and Jagdish Patel analyze FoldX. The team expects this research to lead to a publication and serve as the foundation for future grants to investigate haptoglobin evolution in other mammalian species that serve as reservoirs…

Chemistry Faculty Awarded CMCI Modeling Access Grant

Chemistry Faculty Awarded CMCI Modeling Access Grant

Project Team: Kristopher Waynant, Darren Thompson, Tyler Siegford, Jacob Kennedy, Dharmesh Patel Start Date: February 1, 2019 In preparation for a grant proposal to the National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research, CMCI Postdoctoral Fellow Dharmesh Patel will be dedicating some of his time over the next few months to prepare models for Chemistry faculty…

Development of an Agent-Based Model for Understanding Mechanisms of Pneumonia Transmission in Bighorn Sheep

Development of an Agent-Based Model for Understanding Mechanisms of Pneumonia Transmission in Bighorn Sheep

We have a new MAG! Project Team: Ryan Long (PI), Nicole Bilodeau, Aniruddha Belsare Start Date: October 1, 2018 The models developed during this MAG project will be used to develop a better understanding of pneumonia dynamics in bighorn sheep populations and guide further research questions. The long-term goal of our work is to support…