Bryan Cwik Brown Bag Lunch Speaker

Bryan Cwik Brown Bag Lunch Speaker

Dr. Bryan Cwik, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and University Studies at Portland State University, will be speaking at CMCI’s Brown Bag Lunch on Monday, February 11, 12:30 p.m., in the Collaboratorium. Title: Moving Beyond ‘Therapy’ and ‘Enhancement’ in the Ethics of Gene Editing Abstract: Since the advent of recombinant DNA technology, expectations (and trepidations) about…

Aaron King Seminar

Aaron King Seminar

Dr. Aaron King, a professor at the University of Michigan, will present the first IBEST/CMCI Seminar of the semester on Thursday, January 24 at 12:30 p.m. in LSS 277. Dr. King is interested in studying evolution and ecology at long temporal and spatial scales using stochastic approaches. He’s done work on disease modeling and method/model/software…

Spring 2019 Seminar Series Announced

Spring 2019 Seminar Series Announced

The IBEST/CMCI Seminar Series for the Spring 2019 semester has been finalized. All seminars will be held in LSS 277, 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Jan 24 – Aaron King, University of Michigan“Efficient Scientific Inference for Stochastic Dynamical Systems” Feb 07 – Bruce Rannala, UC Davis“The Species Delimitation Dilemma” Mar 28 – Peter Ralph, University of…

CMCI Modeler’s Workshop Registration Now Open

CMCI Modeler’s Workshop Registration Now Open

The CMCI Modeler’s Workshop with Aaron King on Friday, January 25, 2019, is for faculty, postdocs and students interested in biological dynamics, infectious disease ecology, inference for stochastic processes and time series analysis. The workshop will run from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and lunch is included.  — REGISTER HERE! — Registration is required and…

Save the Date!

Save the Date!

Aaron King, a professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, professor of Mathematics and member of the Center for the Study of Complex Systems at the University of Michigan, will present an all-day CMCI WORKSHOP on modeling and fitting stochastic dynamic systems on Friday, January 25. Registration will be required. Interested participants are strongly encouraged to…

IRIC building in winter

Melih Sener Will Talk at Brown Bag Lunch

Event: CMCI Brown Bag Lunch Date:   Monday, November 12 Time:   12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Place:   Collaboratorium, IRIC 352 Talk: “Performance of a bacterial cell as an energy conversion device in terms of energy-return-on-investment determined from atomic-detail structural models,” presented by Melih Sener, Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group, Beckman Institute, UIUC, Abstract: Bioenergetic…