Services and Rates

Service Fees

There are fees charged for use of the Image and Data Acquisition Core (IDAC).  Fees vary with the type of service, whether the user is working independently or needs the assistance of the core director as well as whether the user is from the University of Idaho (Internal User), another academic institution (External User) or from a corporation (Corporate User).  For internal and external users, they may also choose the option of paying for services by the hour or purchasing a 3-month pass. For confocal microscopy, these passes are restricted to 150 hours or 3 months.  Passes are available for Confocal Microscopy, Analysis or Flow Cytometry and should be requested through BookitLab or by contacting Raquel Simao Gurge.

Image and Data Acquisition Core (IDAC)
FY2024 Rate Structure

These rates are effective as of 10/1/2023.

Hourly Rates for Independent-User Activities

RateBigFoot Cell Sorter – Cell Sorting
Flow Cytometry
BigFoot Cell Sorter – Analysis
Flow Cytometry
Spinning Disk Confocal MicroscopyConfocal and Multiphoton MicroscopyCytoflex
Flow Cytometry
Data Analysis Software*Training Session**
Internal Rate$205.00$155.00$75.00$60.00$125.00$40.00$75.00
External Rate$1,021.67$761.66$376.88$324.76$627.78$197.45$383.38

*includes use of the analysis computers

**This fee would be in addition to the hourly cost of instrument use.

Independent-User 3 Month Pass

RateBigFoot Cell Sorter PassData Analysis Software PassCytoflex
Flow Cytometry Pass
Confocal Microscopy Pass
(3 months or 150 hours)
Internal Rate$1,350.00$350.00$700.00$1,100.00
External Rate$6,751.65$1,765.95$3,529.49$5,508.02

All users must be trained individually by the IDAC Manager. All users of the Image and Data Acquisition Core must abide by Biosafety Level II safety policies, take proper care of instruments, log usage time and use their card access privileges only for the cardholder. Deviations from acceptable protocol are reasons for dismissal from the IDAC.