Working Groups
Virtually all of the actual research that goes on in the Collaboratorium occurs in the context of Working Groups. And actively participating in Working Groups is the predominant way that people participate in the IMCI Modeling Core.
We encourage teams to cross disciplinary and hierarchical boundaries, thus creating a unique combination for connection and networking. Currently, Working Groups tend to be about half faculty and the other half a mixture of postdocs, students and technicians.
These meetings are work sessions and task-oriented. Working Groups are not intended to be permanent but rather fluid with shifting focus and membership, as needed.
Contact us if you would like to start your own official Working Group and gain access to the Collaboratorium. All Working Group members automatically become IMCI participants, which means they will be added to the IMCI listserv, invited to all IMCI events, including our weekly Brown Bag Lunches and joint IBEST/IMCI Seminar Series, and invited to be listed in our online directory.