
All-Hands Virtual Poster Session

IMCI is hosting a virtual poster session as part of the GenoPheno All-Hands meeting for the EPSCoR Track-2 project on May 28-29. You are invited to participate.

We are asking each presenter to create a 1-minute YouTube video that briefly introduces your research. A link to these “elevator pitch” videos will be included with the list of posters, so participants can easily decide which poster presentations to attend.

Each participant will be assigned a time slot to present and given a specific Zoom meeting ID.

Complete the following form if you wish to participate.

GenoPheno Virtual Poster SIGN UP

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Once you have determined a title, have a YouTube video and a .pdf or .pttx file, please come back to submit those poster details and be assigned a time slot and Zoom meeting ID.

GenoPheno Virtual Poster DETAILS

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