Solve the Puzzle!
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Solve the Puzzle!

Several people reported the correct answer and students and postdocs were rewarded with chocolate at the CMCI Luncheon yesterday. The image was created by CMCI Postdoctoral Fellow Dharmesh Patel for the College of Science 2018 Photography and Graphic Arts Contest. Congratulations to CMCI student researcher Emmanuel Ijezie who submitted one of the top 5 images…

Bryan Cwik Brown Bag Lunch Speaker

Bryan Cwik Brown Bag Lunch Speaker

Dr. Bryan Cwik, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and University Studies at Portland State University, will be speaking at CMCI’s Brown Bag Lunch on Monday, February 11, 12:30 p.m., in the Collaboratorium. Title: Moving Beyond ‘Therapy’ and ‘Enhancement’ in the Ethics of Gene Editing Abstract: Since the advent of recombinant DNA technology, expectations (and trepidations) about…

IRIC building in winter

Melih Sener Will Talk at Brown Bag Lunch

Event: CMCI Brown Bag Lunch Date:   Monday, November 12 Time:   12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Place:   Collaboratorium, IRIC 352 Talk: “Performance of a bacterial cell as an energy conversion device in terms of energy-return-on-investment determined from atomic-detail structural models,” presented by Melih Sener, Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group, Beckman Institute, UIUC, Abstract: Bioenergetic…

Mathematical Philosopher at Brown Bag Lunch

Mathematical Philosopher at Brown Bag Lunch

Aydin Mohseni, a mathematical philosopher at the University of California, Irvine, will be the featured speaker at the weekly CMCI Brown Bag Lunch on Monday, September 24. Talk title: “On the Emergence of Minority Disadvantage: Testing the Cultural Red King Hypothesis.” Abstract: The cultural red king effect predicts that differentials in group size may lead to…

Dr. Michael Burnam-Fink at Brown Bag Lunch

Dr. Michael Burnam-Fink at Brown Bag Lunch

Dr. Michael Burnam-Fink will be the featured speaker at our weekly CMCI Brown Bag Lunch on Monday, September 10. His talk is titled “Visualizing Collaboration: Interactive Bibliometric Network Mapping for Evaluating Interdisciplinary Research Groups” and will take place at 12:30 in the Collaboratorium, IRIC 352. Michael is an instructor at Arizona State University and holds…

Peers & Beers: Our Experience with Peer Mentoring

Peers & Beers: Our Experience with Peer Mentoring

Peer mentoring is the topic of the next CMCI Brown Bag Lunch! Monday, April 912:30 – 1:30 p.m.Collaboratorium, IRIC 352 On Monday, April 9, three CMCI project directors, Christine Parent, Assistant Professor, Department of Biological SciencesTanya Miura, Associate Professor, Department of Biological SciencesBert Baumgaertner, Assistant Professor of Philosophy will present, “Peers & Beers: Our Experience…

March 26 Brown Bag Lunch Features Jean-Marc Gauthier

March 26 Brown Bag Lunch Features Jean-Marc Gauthier

CMCI Brown Bag Lunch Monday, March 2612:30 – 1:30 p.m.Collaboratorium, IRIC 352 On Monday, Jean-Marc Gauthier, UI Associate Professor of Virtual Technology and Design in the College of Art and Architecture, will present: “Visualization and Animation of Proteins” Jean-Marc is Managing Director of TinkerToo, an interactive design studio based in Singapore, currently focused on designing…