Our Look
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Our Look

A new look, or graphic treatment, is part of our transition from a center (CMCI) to an institute (IMCI). In October, Creative Services attended a Brown Bag Lunch to talk about the U of I brand. They also collected input and ideas from participants for an IMCI graphic. All of it is so that we…

Learn Pivot for Your Funding Search

Learn Pivot for Your Funding Search

Research and Faculty Development will present an introduction to Pivot training from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, April 17, in IRIC 105. Pivot is a searchable database of funding opportunities, calls for papers and researcher profiles. Pivot provides information from federal and local governments, private foundations and public organizations for a variety of activities, including research…

Faculty Invited to Learn about NSF CAREER Award

Faculty Invited to Learn about NSF CAREER Award

Research and Faculty Development are hosting an informational session on applying for an NSF CAREER award 2:30-4:30 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 3 and 4, (two identical sessions) in IRIC 305. NSF CAREER award recipients will be present (including our own Christine Parent) for Q&A and participants will leave with a resource packet of checklists, templates,…

CMCI Calendar Updates

CMCI Calendar Updates

If you have had recurring working group reservations in the Collaboratorium for the Spring 2018 semester, please be aware that most have ended and you will need to make a new reservation if you plan on meeting through the summer. You can see all current working groups on the CMCI calendar. If you would like…

Modeling Access Grants Announcement

Modeling Access Grants Announcement

Aniruddha Belsare, Ph. D. has recently joined the cohort of postdoctoral fellows in the CMCI Collaboratorium and is available to help with appropriate Modeling Access Grants (see below). Aniruddha is a disease modeler with a background in veterinary medicine, disease ecology, and conservation research. He uses an agent-based modeling approach to investigate complex host-pathogen systems….