
Modeling Access Grants Announcement

Aniruddha Belsare, Ph. D. has recently joined the cohort of postdoctoral fellows in the CMCI Collaboratorium and is available to help with appropriate Modeling Access Grants (see below). Aniruddha is a disease modeler with a background in veterinary medicine, disease ecology, and conservation research. He uses an agent-based modeling approach to investigate complex host-pathogen systems. He is interested in expanding the applications of agent-based models to other research areas including, but not limited to, biomedical research (molecular biology, cell biology, cancer biology), public health research (healthcare management, social dynamics) and epidemiological research (antimicrobial resistance, zoonotic/vector-borne diseases).

The Modeling Access Grant Program enables faculty to produce preliminary biomedical models for competitive external proposals using support from the Center for Modeling Complex Interactions (CMCI) Collaboratorium. This program is intended for faculty with modeling needs outside of their own area of expertise who would like to develop a modeling component to a research project and who intend to submit a proposal within the next year. The objective is to substantially strengthen the work by adding the modeling dimension. The access grant will provide dedicated time with Collaboratorium personnel for developing models, preparing the modeling aspects of a grant proposal, and potentially write a manuscript.

Applicants are expected to consult with the CMCI Project Coordinator (Celeste Brown, celesteb@uidaho.edu) prior to developing a proposal to obtain advice on whether current Collaboratorium resources match the investigator’s needs. Proposals will be accepted anytime during the year, and the review process is simplified and expedited as described below.

Instructions for Proposal

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