Intellectual Property 101

On Monday, August 19, 2019, Jeremy Tamsen, Director of Office of Technology Transfer, talked about intellectual property at the Brown Bag Lunch. For your use and reference, here are the slides from his presentation.
On Monday, August 19, 2019, Jeremy Tamsen, Director of Office of Technology Transfer, talked about intellectual property at the Brown Bag Lunch. For your use and reference, here are the slides from his presentation.
Event: CMCI Brown Bag Lunch Date: Monday, November 12 Time: 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Place: Collaboratorium, IRIC 352 Talk: “Performance of a bacterial cell as an energy conversion device in terms of energy-return-on-investment determined from atomic-detail structural models,” presented by Melih Sener, Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group, Beckman Institute, UIUC, Abstract: Bioenergetic…
Due to extreme weather conditions and canceled travel, our scheduled speaker for today’s Brown Bag Lunch, Bryan Cwik, will NOT be here. Instead, today’s BBL will be an OPEN DISCUSSION. We will work with Dr. Cwik to reschedule his talk.
Peer mentoring is the topic of the next CMCI Brown Bag Lunch! Monday, April 912:30 – 1:30 p.m.Collaboratorium, IRIC 352 On Monday, April 9, three CMCI project directors, Christine Parent, Assistant Professor, Department of Biological SciencesTanya Miura, Associate Professor, Department of Biological SciencesBert Baumgaertner, Assistant Professor of Philosophy will present, “Peers & Beers: Our Experience…
Come to the CMCI Brown Bag Lunch: Brainstorming a Modeler’s Workshop Monday, April 1612:30 – 1:30 p.m.Collaboratorium, IRIC 352 The CMCI hosts a 1-2 day modeler’s workshop during the fall of each year. And it’s time to plan for 2018! What topics do you want covered? What have you loved about past workshops? What do you want…
For future reference or if you weren’t able to attend the Brown Bag Lunch yesterday, here are the slides presented by IMCI Director Holly Wichman regarding our Pilot Grant program. Please remember, you are welcome to reach out to the leadership team directly and at any time if you have questions about whether your research…
CMCI Brown Bag Lunch Monday, March 2612:30 – 1:30 p.m.Collaboratorium, IRIC 352 On Monday, Jean-Marc Gauthier, UI Associate Professor of Virtual Technology and Design in the College of Art and Architecture, will present: “Visualization and Animation of Proteins” Jean-Marc is Managing Director of TinkerToo, an interactive design studio based in Singapore, currently focused on designing…