CMCI Poster Session in Action

The CMCI External Advisory Committee held their annual meeting recently on campus, which included this Science Expo. There were 23 posters on display, viewed by nearly 100 participants.
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The CMCI External Advisory Committee held their annual meeting recently on campus, which included this Science Expo. There were 23 posters on display, viewed by nearly 100 participants.
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Irene Eckstrand, retired NIGMS Program Officer and chair of CMCI’s External Advisory Committee, will be in Moscow October 18-19. She will participate in the joint IBEST-CMCI Seminar Series on Thursday and also give a less formal talk on Friday. If you would like to meet individually with Dr. Eckstrand while she is on campus, please…
How has CMCI helped you? What do you currently need help with? Please tell us! This survey in intended for all University of Idaho CMCI participants, including students. It will only take a minute to complete and your answers are confidential. {Sorry! This survey was available only through September 6, 2019. HOWEVER, if you have…
IMCI is hosting a virtual poster session as part of the GenoPheno All-Hands meeting for the EPSCoR Track-2 project on May 28-29. You are invited to participate. We are asking each presenter to create a 1-minute YouTube video that briefly introduces your research. A link to these “elevator pitch” videos will be included with the…
CMCI participants presented 24 posters at the Science Expo on Friday. The poster session and lunch buffet are part of CMCI’s annual meetings with External Advisory Committee (EAC). In addition to attending the poster session, EAC members Irene Eckstrand, Harmit Malik and Fred Adler met with project leaders, CMCI modeling fellows and staff, U of…
CMCI wishes hire two postdoctoral research associates in geospatial modeling. Position 1 will initially engage in collaborative research with the Idaho Water Resources Research Institute to use geospatial modeling of water quality and health data to predict the effects of water quality on human health. Position 2 will be part of the recently funded NSF-EPSCoR…
The topics of upcoming workshops are always up for discussion and depend on your input. If you have workshops suggestions or requests, please email JT Van Leuven. If you are a student wishing to take any of these courses for academic credit, please register via the U of I Course Schedule. SPRING 2021 WORKSHOPS Unix,…