Collaborative Postdoc Position
The NIH-funded Center for Modeling Complex Interactions (CMCI) at the University of Idaho is an intellectual, cultural, and physical environment that fosters synergy in interdisciplinary biomedical research. The focal point of CMCI is the Collaboratorium, a space and a culture for collaborative modeling. It brings together faculty and students from both the empirical and modeling realms with postdoctoral scientists who reside in the Collaboratorium and devote full-time effort to collaborative modeling. We currently have openings in the Collaboratorium for a postdoctoral fellow interested in biomedical modeling.
CMCI fellows are knowledgeable modelers who are creative, collaborative, and strong communicators. They engage in interdisciplinary research, working with both experimentalists and other modelers, and take leadership roles in research direction, manuscript preparation, offering workshops to the UI research community, and presenting research at national and international scientific meetings.
Our current openings are for modelers who have expertise in mathematical and statistical methodology and are skilled computer programmers. Expertise in more than one modeling approach and more than one programming language is desired. The specialty is open, but we are particularly interested in systems biology, statistical, and agent-based modeling. The specialties of current CMCI fellows include bioinformatics, protein modeling, and ecological modeling.
CMCI interfaces with several strong research programs at the University of Idaho including bioinformatics, computational biology, evolutionary biology, microbiome ecology, infectious disease, and movement science. Fellows will have opportunities to collaborate across campus on these and other areas of biomedical research.
To apply, submit: 1) a letter of application addressing the criteria outlined above; 2) a CV; 3) contact information for three individuals who can provide recommendations, and 4) PDFs of up to three publications to Use POSTDOC APPLICATION as the subject line. Review of applications will begin in mid-March and will continue until all positions are filled.
For more information please see file below.