Song Gao is Seminar Speaker January 14

Please mark your calendars and plan to attend the first Seminar Series of the year.
“Mapping Multiscale Human Mobility Changes and Geospatial Modeling of COVID-19 Spread“
presented by
Dr. Song Gao,
Director of Geospatial Data Science Lab, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Thursday, January 14, 2021, 12:30 pm PST via Zoom.
(Email IMCI or IBEST for the Passcode.)
Abstract: To contain the COVID-19 spread, one of the non-pharmaceutical interventions is social distancing. An interactive web-based mapping platform that provides up-to-date mobility information on how people in different counties and states reacted to the social distancing and stay-at-home orders was developed by the GeoDS Lab at UW-Madison. The web portal integrates geographic information systems (GIS) and daily updated human mobility statistical patterns derived from large-scale anonymized and aggregated smartphone location big data in the United States. A mobility-augmented compartmental epidemic model is developed to help monitor COVID-19 spreading dynamics, inform public health policy, and deepen our understanding of human behavior impacts under the unprecedented public health crisis. |