Developing Statistical Models and Computer Simulations to Tackle Science’s Reproducibility Crisis

Project Team: Berna Devezer (PI), Erkan Buzbas, Gustavo Nardin

Reproducibility of scientific findings has long been considered a pillar of science. However, in the last decade, many disciplines life sciences have failed to reproduce major research findings. This reproducibility crisis has triggered a shift to revise current research practices. Examples include how to make biomedical findings more reproducible as emphasized in a recent article by NIH directors (Collins and Tabak 2014, Policy: NIH plans to enhance reproducibility, Nature 505, 612–613) and the Cancer Biology Reproducibility Project. Despite these self-correction efforts, little is known about the underpinnings of reproducibility. The goal of this project is to help generate more true research claims than false, by identifying and examining the factors contributing to the non-reproducibility of experimental findings.

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