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Holly Wichman

Director, IMCI Distinguished Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
IRIC 336
Photo of Holly Wichman

Biographical Info

Holly Wichman is a Distinguished Professor of Biological Sciences and Director of the Institute for Modeling Collaboration and Innovation.  She grew up in a large farm family in eastern Washington and was thrilled to return to the Pacific Northwest in 1988. Her other interests include picking huckleberries, beadwork, gardening, cooking, and playing with her grandkids. She is a consummate supporter of interdisciplinary research and an advocate for early career faculty. Her research interests are in using experimental evolution to test evolutionary theory. She collaborates with mathematicians, physicists, philosophers, artists, and even other biologists.

In addition to her many responsibilities as IMCI Director, Wichman is also the leader of 2 working groups: the Grant Writing Working Group and Washington-Idaho Phage Working Group. Dr. Wichman also collaborates with the Viral Evolution and Modeling in Idaho Lab.

Feature Article: Pioneering Women

Categories: Collaboratorium Leadership, Faculty
Updated 10 months ago.