The Internal Advisory Committee (IAC) meets 1-2 times per month and gives input on administrative, financial and scientific issues. They also act as on-site mentors to the Project Directors.

Lisette Waits

Distinguished Professor Wildlife Resources
CNR 103D Phone: 208-885-7823 Website: Fish & Wildlife Sciences
Photo of Lisette Waits

Biographical Info

Lisette Waits is a Distinguished Professor and Department Head in the Department of Fish and Wildlife Sciences at the University of Idaho. She has a BS in Genetics from University of Georgia and PhD in Genetics from University of Utah where she studied the phylogenetics and population genetics of grizzly bears. Her research falls within fields of conservation genetics and molecular ecology with particular emphasis on developing methods for noninvasive genetic monitoring of wildlife and landscape genetics. Her research has focused on using genetic methods to study over 30 different wildlife species in North America, Central America, South America, Europe and Asia. She is an elected fellow of The Wildlife Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She currently serves on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Conservation Genetics Working Group and the American Association of Zoos and Aquariums Molecular Data for Population Management Scientific Advisory Group. She is currently president of the National Association of University Fish and Wildlife Programs.

Categories: Faculty, IAC