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All-Hands Virtual Poster Session

IMCI is hosting a virtual poster session as part of the GenoPheno All-Hands meeting for the EPSCoR Track-2 project on May 28-29. You are invited to participate.

We are asking each presenter to create a 1-minute YouTube video that briefly introduces your research. A link to these “elevator pitch” videos will be included with the list of posters, so participants can easily decide which poster presentations to attend.

Each participant will be assigned a time slot to present and given a specific Zoom meeting ID.

Complete the following form if you wish to participate.

GenoPheno Virtual Poster SIGN UP

Once you have determined a title, have a YouTube video and a .pdf or .pttx file, please come back to submit those poster details and be assigned a time slot and Zoom meeting ID.

GenoPheno Virtual Poster DETAILS

Academic Poster Templates Available

Academic Poster Templates Available

If you are preparing to present a poster representative of IMCI-related research, feel free to use one of the following templates. Each has been carefully designed using the university’s brand and IMCI logo and includes placeholders and text to help you create a simple and succinct presentation. Click on the image of your choice to download a PowerPoint file.

We recommend you use IBEST’s CRC to print your poster.

Poster Presentation Template #1

Poster Presentation Template #2

Poster Presentation Template #3

Poster Presentation Template #4

University of Idaho Works to Develop Cure for COVID-19

University of Idaho Works to Develop Cure for COVID-19

This press release was written by Leigh Cooper in University of Idaho Communications and Marketing. View the original press release here. See the article published in the Idaho Press here. Dr. Marty Ytreberg is the Associate Director of IMCI.

MOSCOW, Idaho — April 20, 2020 —The University of Idaho is working to identify a cure for coronaviruses, including COVID-19.

The Department of Biological Sciences team expects to finish preliminary tests within a year. Researchers will also develop a pipeline for identifying drugs that block viruses from infecting human cells.

The project is funded with $100,000 from a National Science Foundation EPSCoR grant issued to U of I Department of Physics Professor Marty Ytreberg. The EPSCoR funds were provided to determine how amino acid changes modify the way proteins interact with other molecules.

“Funding agencies are giving leeway to researchers with existing grants to shuttle resources toward the COVID pandemic,” Ytreberg said. “We decided this was a good investment, because it has the potential to lead to a therapeutic and fits within the theme of the grant.”

The team includes molecular modeling specialist Jagdish Patel, a research assistant professor; virologist Paul Rowley, an assistant professor; and evolutionary biologist JT Van Leuven, a research assistant professor. The research is being conducted within the Institute for Modeling Collaboration and Innovation, U of I’s multidisciplinary, collaborative research program that houses biomedical research modeling experts.

“The University of Idaho’s research engine has pivoted quickly in the battle against COVID-19,” President Scott Green said. “I’m proud of this team for taking the initiative to help develop a cure for this virus. Their work is rising to the challenge we all face during this difficult time and will help save countless lives in the process.”

The team hopes to create a drug that shields human cells rather than attacks viruses. The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) virus is shaped like a ball with spikes on the surface as shown in widely-used photos. The spike proteins have evolved to dock with a specific protein — called the ACE2 receptor — on the surface of human cells. The attachment of the spike protein to ACE2 begins the infection process by which the virus transfers genetic material to the cell. This genetic material tricks the cell into generating more virus.

Patel and his team want their drug to shield the ACE2 receptor from interacting with the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

Drugs targeting human cells, as opposed to viruses, are likely to be effective for a longer period of time, Patel said. Viruses can rapidly evolve at their binding sites to render antiviral drugs ineffective.

The team will improve the known molecules and screen a large library of molecules on computers that might act as inhibitors for SARS-CoV-2. They will test potential inhibitor molecules against a SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirus, a harmless virus with SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins. Promising molecules would then be sent out for testing against the real SARS-CoV-2 virus and subsequently for clinical studies.

“The ACE2 receptor is being used by other coronaviruses as well,” Patel said. “If we find a drug that blocks SARS-CoV-2, the drug should have multiple purposes, protecting us from other coronaviruses like those that cause mild to severe respiratory infection, SARS and NL-63.”

Jagdish Patel, a University of Idaho research assistant professor, is a molecular modeling specialist and among U of I team members working to identify a cure for COVID-19.

Through the process of studying and testing potential inhibitors to combat COVID-19, the team will have developed and refined a multidisciplinary pipeline for antiviral drug development during future outbreaks.

“With the pipeline in place, we will also be able to respond much more quickly to any other disease outbreaks,” Patel said. “We’re designing the pipeline to be flexible so we can adjust to the different challenges each virus poses.”

Within their new pipeline, the researchers will identify antiviral drugs for human receptors other than ACE2, inhibitors that target the virus instead of human cell receptors and inhibitors for other animal viruses.

The awards are made through NSF EPSCoR as part of its Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII) Track-2 investment strategy. RII Track-2 is intended to build national research strength by initiating research collaborations across institutions in two or more EPSCoR jurisdictions. EPSCoR is a program designed to fulfill NSF’s mandate to promote scientific progress nationwide.

This project, “Using biophysical protein models to map genetic variation to phenotypes,” was funded under National Science Foundation grant No. OIA-1736253. The total amount of federal funds for the project is $6 million, which amounts to 100 percent of the total cost of the project.

Modeling COVID-19 in Idaho

Experts across the nation are using modeling to help make decisions regarding how to respond to COVID-19. But knowing the infection rate in New York or an estimated death toll in Washington state doesn’t really help our great state of Idaho.

To address Idaho’s specific rural population, age distribution and travel, modeling researchers at Boise State University, Idaho State University, Lewis-Clark State College and Washington State University have joined forces to model intervention strategies specific to Idaho’s unique circumstances. These models are designed to help the Idaho Governor’s Coronavirus Working Group and local leaders throughout the state make data-driven policy decisions.

IMCI participant, mathematician and U of I biomedical researcher Dr. Benjamin Ridenhour is one of many scientists working long hours on this project. He was recently interviewed by KTVB7. The following news piece was written by Brian Holmes.

Idaho leaders looking at state-specific COVID-19 model to guide decisions

The model developed by researchers at the University of Idaho and four other colleges differs dramatically from other models people are talking about.

Author: Brian Holmes
Published: 6:12 PM MDT April 15, 2020
Updated: 7:00 PM MDT April 15, 2020

BOISE, Idaho — A model developed for the Idaho Governor’s Coronavirus Working Group shows the effects of mitigation efforts, such as social distancing and stay-at-home orders, in slowing the spread of COVID-19.

The Idaho Dept. of Health and Welfare, the University of Idaho, and four other colleges and universities developed the model.

It’s designed to help the governor’s working group and local leaders around Idaho make data-driven policy decisions and identify which strategies are effective in reducing the impact of COVID-19.

Health and Welfare Director Dave Jeppesen said in a news release Wednesday that based on the model’s multiple assumptions and scenarios, “we can conclude that continued mitigation efforts are effective in slowing the spread of COVID-19, reducing contact rates, delaying the peak of the outbreak, and flattening the curve.”

According to Health and Welfare, when mitigation measures are stopped, the model shows a second wave of infections unless testing and contact-tracing capacity increases so infections can be identified, and contacts isolated.

Jeppesen added that the model was not necessarily developed to estimate the number of hospitalizations or deaths from COVID-19.

Many government leaders in the region have been looking at another model, from the University of Washington, which uses data based on what happened earlier this year in Wuhan, China, where the COVID-19 coronavirus was discovered.

Dr. Benjamin Ridenhour, a biomedical researcher with the math department at the University of Idaho in Moscow, said that model is too simplistic.

The Idaho-specific model that Ridenhour has been working on since January takes into account such things as Idaho’s rural population, age distribution, and travel between cities.

It’s a better fit than the UW model for Idaho’s decision-makers.

However, Ridenhour said, it’s not perfect, as the data Idaho researchers need to build an even better model hasn’t always been available, at least not consistently, anyway. For example, hospital capacity, length of hospital stays, and how much testing is being done.

“Those are important when it comes to lifting interventions or putting more interventions in place,” Ridenhour said.

Another piece of information that’s been hard to nail down, but something many people are asking about: How many people who’ve been infected with COVID-19 have recovered?

“Unfortunately we are not able to get recovery numbers,” Ridenhour said. “We’re left using data about new infections … and trying to infer how long it takes people to recover.”

Ridenhour said another challenge is obtaining data about the large numbers of people carrying COVID-19 who never show symptoms and never go to the doctor.

He also said a lack of testing, or a backlog, hinders the model.

“We don’t know exactly how many positives there actually are out there, so that slows things down a bit. That’s the backlog bit,” Ridenhour said.

Researchers at Boise State University, Idaho State University, Lewis-Clark State College and Washington State University partnered with University of Idaho faculty to model intervention strategies.

The Idaho State Board of Education on March 18 sent out a request to institutions of higher learning for a state-specific model.

Holly Wichman, director of UI’s Institute for Modeling Collaboration and Innovation, organized and coordinated the modeling effort.

A team of researchers presented the model to the Board of Education and Health and Welfare on March 20. 

More detailed information about the model is available below, or through this link (pdf file).

Skilled Scientists Hard at Work

Skilled Scientists Hard at Work

As much as possible, even amid state shut-downs and online classes, IMCI scientists and researchers continue to work, strategize, collaborate and share their expertise.

Director Holly Wichman is coordinating a team of modelers from across Idaho to help the state predict the spread of the virus so resources can be deployed proactively and strategically.

And Assistant Director Tanya Miura warns the community that COVID-19 is much more contagious and deadly than the flu. Click on the image below to view the article published in today’s newspaper.

Dr. Miura will also be featured in an upcoming Vandal Theory podcast.