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Seeking Summer Brown Bag Lunch Presenters and Talks

As summer begins, please note that the CMCI Brown Bag Lunches will continue on Mondays at 12:30pm in the Collaboratorium (IRIC 352).

BBLs are a great opportunity for Working Groups to present updates on what they’ve been doing during the academic year or what they plan on doing in the future. If you are the leader of a working group, please inspire someone to present such an update over the summer.

Also, if anyone has a presentation that they need to practice for a conference, or just wants to roll around a few ideas with a bunch of really smart people, please let Celeste Brown know and she will schedule you for a lunch talk.

Talks do not need to be more than 30 minutes, less if you think there will be a lot of good discussion around your topic.

Please contact Celeste if you are interested or if you have any questions. All dates starting June 4 are open!!

CMCI Calendar Updates

If you have had recurring working group reservations in the Collaboratorium for the Spring 2018 semester, please be aware that most have ended and you will need to make a new reservation if you plan on meeting through the summer.

You can see all current working groups on the CMCI calendar.

If you would like to make a reservation for the Collaboratorium, please fill out this form.

Grant Writing Working Group (GWWG)

Working Group leader: Holly Wichman

Group members: Marty Ytreberg, Craig Miller

Originated: April 2018


The function of this group is to help early stage investigators write successful grant proposals. Participants attend a meeting of the Admin Team as needed and get feedback on their proposals. More intense work can be arranged for specific proposals.

Washington – Idaho Phage Working Group (WaId)

Working Group leader: Holly Wichman

Group members: LuAnn Scott, Elissa Schwartz, Karen Biggs, Clay Bailes

Originated: March, 2018


This group supports a collaboration between the Schwartz lab and the Wichman lab to investigate the behavior, biological relevance, and evolution of resistance to a self-inhibitory sequence found in the Microvirid genome.

We are currently working on a manuscript from Karen Biggs’ dissertation work and anticipate submission by the end of the semester.  We are also guiding Clay Bailes’ work on this system.