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OneHealth Modeling Working Group (OHM)

Working Group leader: Aniruddha Belsare

Group members: Craig Miller, JT Van Leuven, Ryan Long, Katherine Lee

Originated: September 2017


Given the interconnectedness of animal health, environmental health and human health and well-being, it is necessary to investigate the ecological contexts of animal disease systems that have public health, conservation or economic implications. Such host-pathogen systems are highly complex and heterogeneous, and often, our understanding of such systems is fraught with uncertainties. Our main objective is to develop and use analytical, model-based approaches to better understand complex animal disease systems, and translate insights gained into actionable outcomes for effective disease management. One of our current project (Craig Miller, J T Van Leuven & A Belsare) focuses on canine rabies: We are developing a model-based approach that will combine data from field studies (genomic, demographic) to better understand the transmission dynamics of canine rabies virus in dogs in India. The overarching goal is to make a major contribution to reducing rabies caused deaths in India and elsewhere. Another project (with Ryan Long) focuses on big horn sheep pneumonia modeling.

We will submit a NSF-EEID proposal in November 2018. We are preparing a manuscript on demographic assessments of free-ranging dog populations using Mark-resight techniques.

Modeling Virus Interactions in Eukaryotic Systems (MoVIES)

Working Group leader: Tanya Miura

Group members: Paul Rowley, Shunji Li, Angela Crabtree, Sierra Beach, Kevin Hutchinson, Laura Steiner, Jordan Richter, Mark Lee, Lance Fredericks

Originated: August, 2017


MoVIES is a group designed to bring together the two IMCI-affiliated eukaryotic virology labs at U of I to discuss empirical approaches to test computational predictions of molecular interactions. The principle eukaryotic viruses discussed will be Ebolavirus, RSV, SARS-coronavirus-2, and HIV.

Our goal is to develop a small community of researchers that will meet to discuss technical and scientific problems pertinent to laboratory experimentation in the context of molecular modeling. This group initially focussed on the setup of experimental systems in HIV, Ebolavirus and RSV that are robust and amenable to test computation predictions in line with the goals of the awarded EPSCoR track II grant. With recent funding to work on SARS-CoV-2, we have worked together to get tools and assays working for our experimental questions.


Initiating a watch list for Ebola virus antibody escape mutations

Miller CR, Johnson EL, Burke AZ, Martin KP, Miura TA, Wichman HA, Brown CJ, Ytreberg FM (2016) Initiating a watch list for Ebola virus antibody escape mutations. PeerJ 4:e1674.

Using Biophysical Protien Models to Map Genetic Variation to Phenotypes

Project Team: Marty Ytreberg (PI), Craig Miller, Brandon Ogbunugafor (University of Vermont), Daniel Weinreich (Brown University)

Understanding how genotypes map to organismal phenotypes is one of the great unsolved problems in modern biology. This research is built on the principle that the biophysical properties of proteins represent general, computationally-predictable intermediaries for mapping genotypes to phenotypes. The central scientific hypothesis for the project is that protein biophysical models provide an efficient framework for predicting how mutations – alone, in combination, and in different environments -influence protein stability, affinity for substrates and partners, and the mappings to higher-level phenotypes. To test this hypothesis, an interdisciplinary team was assembled spanning three jurisdictions (Idaho, Rhode Island, and Vermont) with the necessary expertise in computational protein modeling, diverse biological systems, measurement of protein biophysical properties, and mathematical modeling.

The methodological hypothesis for the project is that a biophysics-first framework can be applied to diverse experimental systems to reveal general underlying principles of genotype to phenotype mapping, uncover gaps in understanding, and suggest potential generic and system-specific extensions. Initially, beta-lactamase and the respiratory syncytial virus F protein will be used as testbed systems because they represent two fundamental interaction types: protein-substrate and protein-protein. The objectives during the first 1.5 years are to investigate how single mutations (Objective 1), and combinations of mutations (Objective 2), affect biophysical phenotypes and their mappings to higher-level phenotypes. In years 2-4, lessons from Objectives 1 and 2 will be applied to other model systems (Objective 3), to consideration of larger, naturally-selected, mutational combinations (Objective 4), and to the role of the environment in modifying genotype to phenotype mappings (Objective 5).

To the team’s knowledge, this is the first attempt to test the ability of protein models to predict how mutations affect biophysical and higher-level phenotypes across such a broad range of systems. Among the vast number of possible mutational combinations, only a small fraction are expected to be viable. The proposed research has the potential to develop tools to predict these rare combinations, which would be nearly impossible to identify empirically. The research will identify generic and system-specific lessons about the mapping of genotypes to phenotypes, such as how often do biophysical and higher-level phenotypes show epistasis and how well can models predict deviations from additivity.

The research has the potential to benefit society by leading to advances in biotechnology and health sciences. For example, the work on protein-protein binding will improve the ability to predict which mutant pathogens will evade therapy.

The team consists of ten faculty members (four early-career), four postdoctoral associates, eight graduate students, and six undergraduate students. Goals and activities for each of these groups will lead to a diverse and vibrant workforce, with mentoring and resources to support early-career faculty in achieving tenure and promotion, and professional development for postdocs. Interactive animations will be created to engage the general public in research findings. A website will aid in dissemination of project results, tools, activities, and broader impacts. Presentations will be created and delivered at diverse venues, local science centers and schools, and regional Tribes.

Long-term sustainability of the interjurisdictional collaborations will be supported by establishing an infrastructure for project coordination, supporting team collaboration, and reducing barriers to participation.

Stay completely up-to-date on the RII Track-2 FEC: Using Biophysical Protein Models to Map Genetic Variation to Phenotypes (National Science Foundation award OIA-1736253) via the Genotypes to Phenotypes website.

Traumatic Brain Injury Measurement and Modeling Group (TBI)

Working Group leader: Bryn Martin

Group members: Gordon Murdoch, Nathan Schiele, Gabriel Potirniche, Bert Tanner, Martin Mortazavi, Sajid Suriya

Originated: September 2017


This group is focused on measurement and modeling with respect to TBI.  In specific, we are carrying out an INBRE Pilot project research grant project entitled, “Investigating the Impact of Arachnoid Trabeculae on Brain Tissue Stresses in Sports-Related Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)”.  This work has involved:

  1. Biomechanical characterization of arachnoid trabeculae fibers
  2. Making a finite element model of the brain under sports related TBI that includes the presence of arachnoid trabeculae
  3. Parametric assessment to determine the impact of arachnoid trabeculae distribution and properties on brain tissue level stresses.

Our goal is to submit an R01 or R21 stemming from this project.  We would also like to develop techniques for targeted destruction / tagging of arachnoid trabeculae.

Modeling and Evaluation of Physical Therapy Movements Using Machine Learning

Project Team: Aleksandar Vakanski, Stephen Lee, David Paul, Russell Baker, Hyung-Pil Jun

The long-term goal of this project is to develop a commercial system for evaluation of physical therapy and rehabilitation exercises performed by patients in a home-based setting. The system will employ a machine learning approach for evaluation of patient movements, based on input data related to the trajectories of the body parts of a patient captured with a Kinect vision sensor.

The objective is to develop the necessary methodology for mathematical modeling and evaluation of physical therapy movements. The three specific aims of this project are:

  1. Create the first comprehensive dataset of human movements related to physical therapy;
  2. Develop a novel methodology for mathematical modeling of therapy movements based on deep neural networks; and
  3. Define a set of metrics for therapy performance evaluation.

The academic novelty of the research is related to utilizing deep artificial neural networks for mathematical modeling of therapy movement at multiple levels of abstraction. This will be achieved by employing a network architecture with multiple layers of convolutional computational units for encoding data patterns at different levels of abstraction, combined with layers of recurrent computational units for encoding the temporal correlations of the extracted data features. Such mathematical models furnish a potential for robust algorithmic evaluation of movement sequences performed by patients with respect to a prescribed model of the movements. The project team will also create a comprehensive dataset of therapy movements recorded with multiple sensory systems, which will be made available to the public, and can serve as a benchmark for similar future research.

The significance of the project is in proposing a cost-effective tool to benefit millions of patients undertaking physical therapy by continuously monitoring their progress toward recovery, encouraging their treatment plan compliance, and stimulating their engagement in the rehabilitation effort.